Florida beverage law classifies the various licenses and registrations into different categories under Section 561.14, Florida Statutes. If you are in the alcohol industry, or even in the planning stages, you will want to be aware of the rules and regulations governing your business, and the differences in those laws. 1. Manufacturers A manufacturer is…

There is no secret, post valuable content that people find interesting, start a conversation online that is relevant to what you do and you will build your practice. . . . Recently, our very own Tom Stanton was interviewed by Authority Magazine, recognized as a Top Lawyer in the Intellectual Property Law field. Below is…

On November 9, 2022, the Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) posted an advance notice of rulemaking seeking comment on several trade related practice issues with a particular eye on anti-competitive laws including Federal Alcohol Administration Act’s exclusive outlet, tied house laws, commercial bribery, and consignment sales prohibitions. You can provide your own comments by…

Patent Infringement Patent infringement sounds daunting, but what exactly is it? Patent infringement is the violation of a patent holder’s legal rights in relation to a particular innovation. Making, using, proposing to sell, or selling something that includes every component of a patented claim or its equivalent while the patent is active constitutes patent infringement,…

Have you ever asked yourself, does a trademark help you build your business? Answer: Of course. What are trademarks? A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services. It’s how customers recognize a brand in the marketplace and distinguish from the competition. The word “trademark”…

Ever wondered what the top inventions that changed the way we live are? Here’s our list. #1: Cotton Gin A cotton gin, or “cotton engine,” is a machine that separates cotton fibers from their seeds rapidly and effortlessly, allowing for far higher production than hand cotton separation. [1] The fibers are subsequently processed into calico…

As an Amazon seller, intellectual property should be important to you. Growing numbers of online retailers, small businesses and independent sellers rely on Amazon’s seller platforms to present their products to millions of customers. This presents a unique set of challenges to sellers that often involve intellectual property. The sale of counterfeit items can really…

International IP: Patents In International Intellectual Property Part I of our III Part International IP blog series we review what to know about International IP rules and in International Intellectual Property Part II: Copyrights we address International Copyright Law. Here we will discuss International IP Patents. A patent is a government authority or license conferring a right or…

Last Friday, we attended Synapse Orlando 2021. Synapse Orlando is the annual gathering for all of the doers, creators, innovators, thought leaders making Orlando one of the world’s fastest growing innovation communities and hottest destinations to live, work and play. We met with industry leaders and innovators from all over Florida for a fun-filled weekend of work…

International Copyright Law In International Intellectual Property Part I of our III Part International Intellectual Property blog series we discuss what to know about International IP rules. Here we will discuss International Copyright Law. Copyright laws internationally are complex and require a deeper understanding of the history of copyright around the world. Copyrights are the exclusive…

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