With an extensive background in entrepreneurial startups, we understand and appreciate the passion you feel about your product or work. We take great pride in knowing that our services are superior to that of other firms.
Our litigation expertise shines, not only in the courtroom, but also in the boardroom, where we succeed in achieving our clients’ strategic business goals. We have the depth and experience to succeed in the most complex IP cases.
Bochner PLLC can help your business apply the same rigor and quality of thought to the building, maintenance, and leveraging of your patent portfolios as you usually apply to other decision-making processes.
In order to ensure that you are maximizing your earning potential, you must consider the research and development phase of the process and have a clear understanding of who owns the IP and who stands to benefit from it.
Bochner PLLC starts with a comprehensive free consultation, where each client receives individualized attention from industry experts and a plan of action for their specific need. With an extensive background in entrepreneurial startups, we understand and appreciate the passion you feel about your product or work. We take great pride in knowing that our services are superior to that of other firms. Once all information is gathered, Bochner PLLC gets to work, keeping the lines of communication open with the client at all times and providing a personalized, efficient experience. Bochner PLLC charges a flat fee for work (instead of billing hourly like many) and doesn’t stop until the work is done and every client is happy.
“In my opinion, all previous advances in the various lines of invention will appear totally insignificant when compared with those which the present century will witness. I almost wish that I might live my life over again to see the wonders which are at the threshold.”
~ By Charles H. Duell, the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899.