Emerging Technology Intellectual Property (IP) Law Firm

New and emerging technology is creating new challenges in addition to new opportunities. In fields such as AI, blockchain, internet security, and new media, questions and disputes over intellectual property rights are getting more common. If you are involved in emerging technology in any capacity, you may need a tech IP lawyer to advise you.

Intellectual Property Rights and Emerging Technology

Emerging technology can be understood as either newly developed technology or applying existing technology to new industries. Even in traditional industries, issues regarding intellectual property can be complicated. In newer industries, where concepts and processes are less widely understood, it can be even more daunting to understand and protect your rights. The following are industries where intellectual property questions related to technology are likely to arise.

  • New Media
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Smart Contracts
  • Metaverse, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality
  • Online/Video Games & eSports

Many of the above areas overlap. New Media increasingly offers interactive, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) capabilities. The Metaverse, led by Facebook (now rebranded to Meta), is poised to offer many online games as well as AR and VR technology. Smart Contracts may be employed in any industry. Protecting intellectual property rights on these platforms is a major concern, as there is still a lot to learn in each of these sub-categories.

Blockchain and Cryptocurriences

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are also deeply intertwined with intellectual property and emerging technologies. The Blockchain, which uses an open ledger to record information and transactions, is being employed in many industries, including finance, transportation, publishing, energy, and many others.

Cryptocurrencies, which use blockchain technology, are rapidly becoming mainstream. Although Bitcoin is the best known, there are thousands of others. Still another usage is NFTS (non-fungible tokens), which establishes unique ownership for tokens that can represent works of art, contracts, documents, or even real estate.

When to Consult an Intellectual Property Lawyer

If you are involved in emerging technology in any way, a tech IP lawyer can help you understand and protect your rights. Bochner can work with you in a number of areas.

  • Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights
    Intellectual property must be protected, whether you are releasing content online, have created a new app, or are developing a cryptocurrency or NFT. There have recently been over 1,000 filings for trademark applications and over 700 patents for blockchain-related products and services. Copyright law applies if you release an NFT as a work of art. Bochner can help you protect your creations.
  • IP Litigation
    If you are involved in any type of litigation involving intellectual property, either as a plaintiff or defendant, our experience and expertise in both law and technology will ensure that your rights are protected.
  • Trade Secrets
    Trade secret protection is more important than ever in this era of technological innovation. Enforcing trade secrets is often an effective legal strategy for products or concepts that are not protected by a patent.
  • IP Strategy
    Having an overriding strategy for your intellectual property helps you protect your rights and maximize the profitability of your assets.

If you have any questions about intellectual property and emerging technology, contact Bochner for a free consultation.

Why Bochner PLLC?

At Bochner we offer trademark clearance searches, trademark application preparation, office action responses and trademark monitoring in addition to trademark litigation and opposition proceedings. Our attorneys and robust trademark registration services ensure the protection of your intellectual property in business and commerce.